Thursday, August 28, 2014

Been MIA

I just wanted to apologize to anyone who checks my blog; I'm sorry for the lack of photos lately. I've been tied up with summer work for school (sigh), but I promise to post new photos soon!

In the mean time, look at the beautiful picture I happened to catch. This praying mantis was on my friend's car window and it just looks so cool the way the window reflected the sky. Wow, nature is beautiful.

New pictures to come soon (:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Little Photo the Rain

Sorry for not posting for a little while; I just got back from vacation. I'll be posting more often...hopefully once a week. Anyway....yesterday my long-time friend Julia and I decided we were going to spend our day together doing a photo shoot. It started off as her agreeing to model for me, but as I got her dressed up in the look I had envisioned, she persuaded me to dress up too so we could have a little fun (it was fun). 

However, Mother Nature was not wanting to cooperate with us and it rained. All day. Being the rebellious and adventurous girls we are, we decided to do it anyway.  I'm actually really happy with how these came out. I LOVE the fact that you can see traces of rain falling in the pictures. Please excuse the awkward water marks we got as time went on haha!

I was going for a more vintagey photo edit. Hope you guys liked what I shot! Also, here's a peek at the fun photos Julia snapped of me (: